Guidelines for medical grants
Medical guidelines
In order to support medical activity, The Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation offers grants every second year, gives support to universities, and organizes symposiums.
- The Foundation attempts to support high-level research without interfering with the direction of the research.
- It primarily supports Finnish research projects, but can also offer aid to researchers or research groups abroad.
- The bases for grant approval adhere to the Foundation’s regulations and its guidelines for medical activity.
- The instructions for applying for a grant can be found on the Foundation’s homepage under application instructions.
- The organization of symposiums functions as a means for the Foundation to fulfil its objectives.
- Its medical advisory board decides the symposium themes, which should support the medical categories designated by Signe and Ane Gyllenberg.
Bases for grant approval
Grants for research
The bases for grant approval follow the Foundation’s regulations and its guidelines for medical research.
The research fund for general medicine supports research work in the following fields:
- Medical research in psychosomatics, the basis being how the psyche affects the body
- Research in which a psychosomatic point of departure is expanded to include psychosocionomic questions
- Psychosomatic diseases
- Blood diseases
- Effect of mental factors on blood and blood circulation, effect of mental factors on other bodily systems and the related mechanisms that transmit the effects to the body
- Psychodynamics, which studies psychosomatic symptoms and attempts to describe their psychosomatic relationships
The Steiner fund supports medical research on the following topics:
- Anthroposophic medical research as signified by Rudolf Steiner
- Psychosomatics from the point of view of Rudolf Steiner
- Augmentation of the knowledge existing about people’s mental, spiritual and physical structure and understanding the significance the self
- Effect of moral values on people’s health
- The continuing interaction between the aforementioned factors and thorough holistic research on humans
- Research on palliative treatment
- Research on biodynamic cultures
Grants for professional training and projects
Grants for professional training and projects can be applied for from the Steiner fund for the following reasons:
For organizers
- Arranging professional training in anthroposophic medicine for physicians
- Arranging anthroposophic professional training for anthroposophic therapists
- Arranging professional training in treatment pedagogy for Steiner pedagogical instructors
For participants
Participation in anthroposophical professional training, conferences and workdays directed towards the following:
- Professional training in anthroposophic medicine
Anthroposophic therapists in
- Treatment eurythmy
- Art therapy
- Music therapy
- Speech therapy
- Massage and external treatments
- Biographic work and anthroposophic psychotherapy
- Palliative treatment therapies
- Chirophonetics
Steiner pedagogues
- Professional training in treatment pedagogy
Training and projects in the field of biodynamic cultures
Publication of literature