
Every application must be sent electronically only. On the Foundation’s website, there is an application form for research grants, as well as one for professional training and projects.

Please read the bases for grant approval carefully before applying.

Research grants

Research grants must be applied for individually.

Length of the research project

Research funds has been granted for the period 2024–2025. A report of the results of the study should be received by the Foundation by 15 December 2025.

If requested, a project can be extended for as long as two years. All changes regarding the grant and reports are to be made through the grant application system.

Estimate of research costs

If the research costs are to include university costs (overhead), they should be added to the item other costs. If these other costs are more than EUR 2000, they should be itemized in the research plan. The researcher can also make an agreement on university costs.

Grants for professional training and projects

These grants are not intended for research. Research grants can be applied for every second year.

Please read the bases for grant approval carefully before applying.

Grants for professional training and projects are awarded annually. Apply for a grant for one year at a time. Professional training and projects must take place between July 1st and June 30th the following year.

Grants for professional training and projects must be applied for individually. If the grant concerns a group, each member of the group must fill out his or her own application form. The applicant can also be a registered association. On one form only one applicant can apply for only one purpose during the grant period. The purpose can be continued training, a course (which can be held in several instalments), publication of a book, or some other project that belongs to the medical disciplines covered by the Foundation.

Persons applying for grants for professional education and projects must state their level of education. The application form should also contain information on who is arranging the training and also the course curriculum.

All relevant information must be given in the application. No appended documents or paper copies of the application will be accepted.

By sending the application, the applicant confirms the following

  • The Foundation can publish his or her name, the purpose of the grant and the sum of the grant both online and in its annual report.
  • The recipient gives permission to the Foundation to exchange information with other foundations concerning approved grants in order to avoid doubled approvals.
  • The grant recipient pledge to provide an electronic report of their activities before the deadline for such reports and approves that the electronic report is stored in the grant application system. More information can be found in the section grant reports.

The Foundation has adhered to the general regulations for data protection according to the law on personal data protection.

Receipt of a grant

At the end of May, a written response will be sent electronically to all applicants. The names of the recipients will be published on the Foundation’s homepage and in its annual report.

The decision concerning grant recipients will be made at the Foundation’s annual meeting.

Research grants are paid in two parts, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Professional training and project grants are paid in one installment.

The grants will be paid when requesting payment through the link in the confirmation e-mail or by logging in to Rimbert and requesting payment.

The approved grant will not be paid if the previous grant has not been reported.

Information on a confirmed grant is sent to MELA (The Farmer’s Social Insurance Institution) if the research project lasts longer than four months or if the annual minimum amount for a MELA grant is exceeded.

The Foundation also reports paid grants to the income tax office on an annual basis.

Data protection

Responses to questions

If there are any questions concerning the preceding instructions, please contact Antonia Laszlo by telephone (09–647390) or e-mail antonia.laszlo(at)


Can people who have received a research grant also work?

Yes, they can. On the application form the grant recipient should include how long he or she is expecting to do research with the aid of the grant. If the recipient is a part-time researcher, he or she should estimate how long the research project will last and how long he or she expects to be absent from work. Additional information on a person’s leave of absence can be obtained from The Farmer’s Social Insurance Institution (MELA) at:

Can a person apply for a Gyllenberg grant if he or she has also applied for a grant elsewhere, but does not yet know whether the other grant has been approved?

Yes, he or she can.

What is meant by the sentence “Grants must be applied for individually.”?

Grants are primarily meant for research by an individual rather than for the general expenses of an institution. If an applicant wishes to include university costs, these expenses should be listed under “other costs” on the grant application. If the listed costs exceed EUR 2000, they should be itemized in the research plan.

How is the report made?

Check the section grant reports on the Foundation’s website. It has separate report forms for research grants and for professional training and project grants.

Which report form should I use?

The research report form should only be chosen for reporting the information pertinent to a research project. The report form for professional training and project grants is filled out when a grant has been received for a course (which can also include travel to and from the course location), a publication project, or for some other reason.

Is a per diem allowance approved as part of travel expenses?

No, it is not approved.